
Stages of Cellulite



                 Stages of Cellulite




 Do you have it? How bad is it? Cellulite does have a
way of progressing like a bad fungus.
Cellulite can be diagnosed by using the skin pinch-and-roll technique. Gently take a large fold of nor-mal skin and rub it between your thumb and forefinger. The skin should appear smooth.
Now repeat this test on areas where you think you have cellulite.You may have cellulite in the following stages:
Stage 1
The skin will show no visible signs, but bruises and cuts may be 
slow to heal in this area.
Stage 2
Looking closely at the skin, you’ll see broken veins and skin discoloration. Bruises will appear after a small hit. When pinched, the skin will feel thickerand slightly tender with slight ripples.
Stage 3 

Even without pinching the skin, you’ll see evidence
of an orange-peel appearance.

Stage 4
The skin will appear puckered, and is cold to the touch. Broken veins will be present, and bruising can occur spontaneously.
Stage 5
Not only will you feel cold areas, but hot areas will also be evident.
Stage 6
Large lumps of fat are honeycombed in fibers, dis-torting the appearance of the cellulite area.
