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 These are the same ingredients that can befound in expensive “firming” creams sold at expensive cosmetic counters. Just what these creams dofor those other areas (takes down the swelling andshrinks tissues) is what they do for under-eye bags,droopy jowls, etc.

 Makeup artists won’t do amakeover without it. Rock stars, Hollywood’s bignames, and other celebrities won’t go on the road without a supply of it. Many of the people you believe have had plastic surgery have been using it for years.

If you object to the medicinal smell, simply mix it
with a small amount of your regular moisturizer. If
you do need to use it and head out the door right
away, just dab a little perfume in front of each ear to diffuse any odor. I once interviewed a very handsome actor in his mid-fifties, and could not get over how great he looked.

 However, I was aware of a certain aroma that I recognized wafting from his direction. If you find that this product works for you, Isuggest that you use it at night in the privacy of your own bedroom.
















































