


-Add some baking soda to your bath (about half a box).
It will soothe itching skin, irritation, and sunburn.
-Use Epsom salts (about one-half pound) to relax
muscles and relieve swelling.
-Try some instant oatmeal (or grind any other to a
powder) in the tub to get rid of sunburn.
-Apple cider vinegar in the bath will invigorate the
body and fight fatigue
-Adding a spoonful of honey is said to help insomnia.
-Combine a cup of instant milk powder with 3 drops
of almond oil. Soak for at least 15 minutes, then
using a coarse wash cloth or loofah, rub vigorously to
exfoliate (remove) dead skin. Your skin will
absolutely glow and shine!
-Should you start to feel a cold coming on, take a tea-spoon of mustard powder and add it to a hot bath.
You just might fight off the cold.
-Orange slices in the bath are uplifting and beat any
aromatherapy available today.
-Through the ages red wine has been used as a beauty
treatment. Since it is a tannic acid, many beauties use
it as an acid-based toner. 



