
More Beauty Tricks from the Kitchen Cupboard

                     More Beauty Tricks from the Kitchen Cupboard 

Clove Oil Cleanser
Combine equal amounts of clove oil (a natural astringent), chamomile (to maintain skin pigment),and eucalyptus (decongests the skin). Massage gen-tly into the skin by making a circular motion with the tips of your fingers, and rinse
Right from the can, Crisco is a big secret among
beautiful women. Use it to remove makeup and as a
highly effective moisturizer. Hospitals even use it to
treat psoriasis and eczema. They are known to dis-guise it as cream “C.
Wheat Germ Oil
Available in health food stores and some supermar-kets, wheat germ oil is effective in keeping the skin
elastic and preventing and treating stretch marks.
Pregnant women should definitely use it in the
tummy and breast areas.
Sweet Almond Oil
Available in supermarkets, almond oil is ideal for
removing makeup, helping eyelashes grow, and as a
moisturizer for extremely dry skin. It also soothes
sunburned skin.
