
protect the skin

              protect the Skin 

Water is the number one beauty treatment favored by women of every age. You cannot create beauty without beginning with a clean, clear palette.
Forget the very expensive imported waters. If you don’t drink at least eight to ten glasses a day, you are depriving yourself of the best beauty treatment on earth.
Japanese women spend twice as much time and money on their skin than any other women in the world.

The Sun Is Your Skin’s Number One Enemy 

 You should always make sun protection a priority.
Use a sunscreen formulated for your skin along with
your moisturizer. Much of the evidence of
aging—rough skin, wrinkles, age spots, etc.—
are really the result of too much sun. Always apply
lots of it not only to your face, but slather it on the
neck, hands, and hairline.

The first rule of beautiful skin is to stop overcleans-ing it. This is an unnecessary habit, especially true
of women in this country. Unless you’ve been up all
night digging ditches (you poor dear!), your face is
not dirty.

 Your morning routine should be nothing
more than reactivating last night’s moisturizer with
a splash of warm water or milk. Why milk? Milk is
a lactic acid and will allow your face to receive a
natural acid treatment.

Please be aware that many of the acids on the
market today are synthetic acids that have caused
problems with some women.
 There have been reports of everything from sensitivity rashes to permanent scarring. Be careful of the chemical acids
you use, and when you can, substitute nature’s acids
in your cleansing routine. In addition to milk, consider these natural acids:
1. Pineapple juice
2. Lemon juice
3. Tomatoes
4. Most citrus fruits

Toning is your second step, and an important one.
The purpose of using a toner is to remove residue
soap, moisturizer, and oil. You can spend a lot for a
toner (up to $20 and more at some cosmetic counters), or you can do what many famous models do.Carry around lemons. They are refreshing and more effective than those silly toners that contain only alittle lemon but lots of chemicals.

Other inexpensive alternatives:
1. Rose water
2. Witch hazel
3. Hydrogen peroxide
4. Or try the following refreshing tea tonic: Mix 2
teaspoons of green or chamomile tea with 1/2 cup
water. Saturate a cotton ball, and apply all over the
face. Allow it to remain on the skin until it evaporates.
There’s never any reason to rinse this or any toner off.

I am happy to pass on one of the most important
ways to save money. It is not necessary to spend a lot
on a moisturizer. Good basic moisturizers can be
found in any drugstore. Just learn to read the labels,
and look for these low-cost ingredients.

Listed as ceramides, cerebrosides, or sphingo lipids.
Essential fatty acids:
Listed as sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, and primrose oil.
Now available in many moisturizers as a step-saver.
 Don’t buy vitamin E,A or C enhanced moisturizer.Go to local pharmacy,and purchase these vitamins in capsule form. Get as much potency as is avail-able. Prick open the capsule, and add it to your
moisturizer. You’ll get all the benefits of the
expensive cosmetic creams without the extra
chemicals or expense

 Add Water
 You’ll find most moisturizers more effective when
applied to damp skin. It forms a thin film that will
trap moisture in the skin.
 Evening is the most important time to take care of your skin. The sleeping hours are when your face is away from makeup,
dirt, pollution, etc., and is free to rejuvenate.
 Your evening regime is also effective and useful in destressing your entire psyche to prepare you for the
best treatment of all: beauty sleep.
 Just follow these steps:
 1. Cleanse
 Make it easy on yourself, your skin, and your
purse by using just one product to remove both makeup and dirt. If your skin is dry, use a lotion or
cream-based product that leaves behind emollients
(it will feel like a light film on your face).

 If your skin is “normal to oily,” use a gel cleanser or a very
mild facial soap. Even though your skin may be very
oily, be sure to use a gentle soap like Neutrogena or
Dove. Never use a deodorant soap on your face or
neck. If your skin is particularly sensitive, don’t even
use it on your body!

 2. Exfoliate
 I cannot overstate the need for this step.What is exfo-liating? It is very much like peeling an onion or remov-ing tiles off a roof. Exfoliating is necessary to get blood
flowing into the face, as well as to remove grime.

                      here’s what to use
- Take a packet of sugar (raw sugar works the
best), add a couple of drops of olive oil to
make it easier to spread, and gently rub it into
the creases of your face.

- Open a packet of instant oatmeal and mix it
with water to create a paste. Rub this mixture
into your face, and rinse off the residue. I
would suggest that you use instant oatmeal on
your face, and the traditional old-fashioned
oatmeal to exfoliate the entire body.

- Rub sea salt (available in health food stores) all
over both your body and face. You’ll love its
invigorating effects.

 3. Masks
 My favorite face mask is the result of my most mem-orable investigative reporting story. I had been
informed that those very expensive spas that charge
hundreds of dollars for “herbal wraps” were using
mud. Now the inside “scoop” is that these “chichi”
places were not using some exotic mud from the
Dead Sea, but a formula created from kitty litter.

Okay, we’ve all heard of clay masks. Clay is perfect
for detoxifying the skin. What I discovered is that
these so-called “mud” or “clay” treatments used by
some salons is nothing more than kitty litter. 

The catch is that the bag must be marked “100 Percent
Natural Clay.” It cannot contain any chemicals, addi-tives, or clumping materials. The good news is that
this type of kitty litter is generally the least expen-sive on the market.

                                how to use it
Take about a tablespoon of the dried clay and recon-stitute it with a small amount of water. Mud is mud
is mud! I don’t care if it comes from the great Springs
of Italy (and if it does, you’ll spend about $60 a jar)
or from your local grocery store. At less than $2 a
bag, detoxify your entire body with it.

 I have worked with the most fabulous celebrities who swear by my kitty litter facial, including top makeup artists.
Although they love this facial, they know that their
clients may be a little reticent to try such an
unorthodox facial.

 So they pour the kitty litter into an attractive container. You might want to do the same at your house to avoid strange looks. Potpourri
jars make delightful hideouts for your new find
I have demonstrated this several times on national TV
shows with people from the audience, and not one
person has ever told me that it felt anything but
absolutely refreshing.

 It actually possesses a kind of pleasant, minty feel. Minerals in the mud also benefit the skin.
Please don’t try to dig up the mud from your yard.
Real mud is dirty and contains organisms that harbor

 Other Face Masks to Try

 Ultimate Cleansing Mask
In a blender or food processor, grind 1 cup of oat-meal to a powder. Add 3 drops of almond oil, 1/2
cup of milk, and 1 egg white. Continue to blend
together, and apply. Rinse off after 20 minutes.

 Peach and Brandy
 Mash up a peach (use ripe, canned, or frozen) and
mix in a tablespoon of brandy. Leave it on for 20
minutes, and rinse off.
 Tomato Mask
 For oily skin, mash up a ripe tomato and leave it on for
15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm (not hot) water.
Banana Mask
 Mash up a very ripe banana. Add just enough honey
to make a soft pulp. Apply over face and hair. This is
such a great firming mask that aging movie stars
have been known to put it in the cups of their bras
to make their breasts “perky.”

 Just make sure that you don’t add too much honey,
and that you use a sturdy bra. I recently did a TV
show where I attempted to use a lacy bra. Needless
to say, it was a little messy!

 Honey Mask
 Apply pure honey (straight from the bottle) to your
face and neck. Allow it to set until dry (about 15
minutes). Rinse with very warm water.
 Milk of Magnesia
Oil-Absorbing Mask

 Apply it straight from the bottle. Let it dry for about
five to ten minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Gently pat face dry with fluffy towel.

 This is a face mask particularly suited for those with
sensitive skin. In the same way that this product coats
the stomach, it gently caresses the face.

Apply it straight from the bottle with a cotton swab.
Allow it to dry and rinse with cool water. It’s as
refreshing as a cool summer breeze.
 top secret tips :
 To Revitalize and
Nourish the Skin
 Soak whole dried beans or lentils (fresh are best)
overnight. Mash and add a small amount of honey.
Apply over face and neck. Leave it on for about 5
minutes and rinse with tepid water.
 Tone Up Tired Skin
 Make up a smooth pulp of crushed cucumbers, and
gently pat all over face and neck. Pull up your hair
and apply a little bit behind the ears and behind the
neck. This facial is absolutely fabulous for oily skin
and clogged pores.
 Mix 1/4 cup vodka with the juice of one fresh
lemon. Dab it on the face, neck, and chest area
with a cotton swab. It’s not necessary to rinse off.
Let the air evaporate it. The less rubbing that you
do to the face the better.



















