
A Model’s Bag

                        A Model’s Bag



A model’s bag is filled with things you’ve never
dreamed of! Here’s a sampling of what you would
find if you were to peek into the everyday bag of a
working model.

P.S. Every model gets a workout just from lugging
the thing around!

Baby Wipes

This is a great tool for both cleansing the face and
removing makeup. Baby wipes are hygienic (use
them once and throw them away) and gentle to the
face.You’ll find that most versions contain lanolin,
which is a skin softener. Purchase the convenient
travel pack to freshen up at a moment’s notice. It’s
also useful for taking up a stain or deodorant mark.

Hemorrhoid Cream
As mentioned in chapter 2, it is the secret backstage
of top runways. We use it on our puffy eyes, along
the jawline, and on puffy cheeks. It is an instant facelift,
 and a favorite of the die-hard partygoers.

Garlic & Papaya Tablets
This is an absolute must when it’s necessary to get
weight off in a hurry. Garlic and papaya tablets act
together as a diuretic and can get up to six pounds off
in a couple of days. Ask your pharmacist for the
strongest strength available over-the-counter. Take
two garlic tablets with two papaya tablets before
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Eat lightly on these
days, staying away from carbs and salt.

 There are “star” caplets out there on the market with similar
ingredients priced at $100 and up. You can buy garlic and papaya tablets in your local drugstore or health food store.

 They’re usually priced at under $5 each.
Of course, being natural supplements, they’re not as
risky as the chemical weight-loss products so widely
sold. However, don’t take this increased dosage for
more than two days.
Here’s a natural way to hide stains. Carry white chalk
for white clothing, and colored chalk for all the different colors of your wardrobe. I prefer that you use these natural treatments over chemical stain removers because they are safer for the planet and many fabrics can be ruined by chemical versions.

White Eyeliner
Models find white eyeliner essential to create a wide-eyed look. Use it along the lash line, and softly smudge it with a sponge applicator. Use it inside the corners of your eye to open and widen.

White Eye Shadow
Models use it to create a shimmering face base by
mixing it with their foundation. Stroked just
under the brow, it lifts the eye.

Petroleum Jelly
You can create your own tinted gloss, and save lots of
money at the same time. Simply mix any of your
favorite lipsticks with a dab of petroleum jelly. You
can also turn a powdered eye shadow into a glimmering eye shimmer with a drop of jelly.

Eye Redness Reliever
Have I got a way for you to remove breakouts quickly!
In just the way that an eye redness reliever takes the
redness out of the eye, so does it remove redness from
pimples. Squeeze out a little on a cotton swab.
 Hold it on the pimple for ten to fifteen seconds, or until it
 Models (and the people who hire them)
consider it a catastrophe to get a pimple, but it’s also
important for you when you have that big party to obliterate the appearance of those little suckers. Anyone
who has tried to mask pimples with makeup knows that
it just doesn’t work.This will do it, and quickly.

Panty Hose
What do you think models do with ripped panty hose?
They make their very own hair ties. You know, those
fabulous hair accessories that pull your hair back with so
much style, but cost a fortune? Here’s what you do.Take
the panty-hose leg (the more opaque styles provide
more elasticity), and cut at two- to four-inch increments.

 You’ll find that these hair ties will hold the hair
beautifully with out any of the stress or split ends that
rubber bands can cause. In addition, you can also use the
color closest to your own hair color to make it blend.

What do models do when they lose an earring back?
What do they do when their earring is just too heavy
to stay properly on the ear? We take the eraser off a
pencil and use it to hold that earring in place. Use
this when you drop the back of an earring in your
office, school, or at home. If you should find yourself in a restaurant, simply take a small piece of cork
from your wine bottle.

Hair Spray
Hair spray is helpful for keeping our do’s in line, but
it also prevents panty hose from running. Spray
(lightly, please) a thin film up and down your hose
before each wearing.

To keep your makeup in place, close your eyes and,
holding the can at arm’s length, spray a light mist of
hair spray on your face.Be very careful if you have
sensitive skin!

Should you happen to encounter an errant bug in
your hotel room, just do what desperate yet
resourceful models do. Take your hair spray and zap
the pest with it. You will paralyze that little bugger
more quickly than any insect spray ever did. Did you
ever dream hair spray could be so versatile?

Satin Pillowcase

A satin pillowcase is a model necessity. It keeps that
hairstyle in place longer while traveling. Not only
should you consider it an essential when you travel,
but you’ll also enjoy using it at home. Sleeping on
a satin pillowcase will help prevent wrinkles while
you sleep.

Lemon Juice
Forget buying expensive toners. Models carry
lemons in their bags to remove residue from their
face and to refresh. The most diligent carry fresh
lemons, but there’s only so much one can stuff
into those bags. If you do choose to purchase
reconstituted lemon juice, make sure that it contains real lemon.

Ice Water
You’ve heard that models drink lots of water. Well
that’s very true, but only half the story. To get optimum benefits from water, models drink ice water.
With ice water, the body needs to use up to 30 calories just to warm itself to body temperature to
absorb the water.You are actually using more calories
than you are taking in.

Teething Rings
Placed on the eyes, teething rings will reduce any puffiness, and provide a well-rested, wide-awake appearance. Frozen teething rings also soothe sunburned skin.

Beef Jerky
Here is a snack that has been much maligned and is
really quite good for staying lean. Turkey jerky contains less than one gram of fat, and has only 75
calories. What’s especially appealing about turkey
jerky is that it takes so long to chew (a good 20 minutes or so). This makes jerky orally gratifying. It may
just keep you out of a few fast-food restaurants.

Here’s yet another way to wake up tired eyes. Run a
spoon under very cold water. Hold the spoon over
the closed eye for about thirty seconds. The coolness
of the metal “wakes up” the eyes.

Parsley is rich in chlorophyll. It is a major ingredient
in leading breath fresheners, such as Clorets and
Certs. Breath sweetening is more effective when it’s
done from inside the body.
 There is a lot of advertising going on now to get people to invest in internal breath fresheners. Again, don’t spend a lot for these products. Do what knowledgeable models do to ensure “kissable” breath.
 Eat the parsley on your plate at mealtimes, or carry dried parsley in your bag to instantly freshen your breath. Parsley will
keep your breath fresher a lot longer than topical
fresheners will. Plus, it’s healthy and low in calories.

Tea helps keep cavities away! Both green and black
tea contain fluoride and polyphenols to prevent
plaque from adhering to the tooth’s surface. Models
drink tea for this very reason, and carry their tea
bags faithfully. After models are done drinking their
tea, they use their cooled tea bags to refresh their
eyes. Simply squeeze the tea bag so that it isn’t “drip-ping,” and gently dab the bags under the eye area. If
your face is clean, run over the entire face for a
quick pick-me-up!

Unfiltered Apple CiderVinegar

  great blood purifierwhen you add a tablespoon to a cup of hot water and drink it.You can also use it as an astringent for both
your face and hair. Use it as a toner for your face and
as a final hair rinse to remove residue.

Avocado Body Butter
Models run to their nearest “natural” shop for this
product. It gives a wonderfully smooth sheen to the
skin. Even though it’s a little bit sticky, it’s very

Here’s an old model’s trick that everyone can copy.
Brush your lips whenever you brush your teeth! Not
only does it take away any chapping, but it plumps up the lip temporarily for that sought-after
“pouty” look. A toothbrush is a super jewelry cleaner,
getting into nooks and crannies, and it tames brows
when lightly sprayed with styling gel.

Models always carry double-sided tape to tack up
fallen hems, make quick repairs to their clothing, and
“quick tack” an accessory to clothing, hair, or purse.

Carry a small birthday candle in your purse. Use it to
get a stuck zipper going again.

Colon Cleanser
No, I don’t need to elaborate, but for beauty to
really work, it needs to start from the inside.
Top actresses and great beauties throughout history have used this unconventional beauty/health
regime. Legendary actress Mae West was famous
for her daily enemas. Her skin was like silk until
her death. These cleansers are now extremely pop-ular, and expensive in spas. They are inexpensive
and readily available at health food stores in kits
and capsules.

Jelly Beans

A jelly bean is a quick energy boost and surprisingly
low in calories and fat. Most of these little treats contain only 5 or 6 calories each. Compared with a
Lifesaver (10 calories) or stick of gum (up to 20 calories), it’s a pretty good way to satisfy a sweet tooth.

Models carry kelp tablets to help speed up their metabolism. It should be available at your local drugstore.

Some super beauties eat feverfew sandwiches to
relieve PMS and headaches. I would suggest that you
get the tablets.

Olive Oil
Here is an all-natural substance that models use on
their hair when they’re in the sun. Not only does it
protect hair from the sun’s harsh rays, but it
becomes a deep-penetrating conditioner in the sun’s
natural heat.

Rosemary Oil
Rubbed into the temple, rosemary oil relieves pain
by relaxing constricted muscles.

Candied Ginger
When traveling, models rely on candied ginger to
prevent motion sickness.

Dandelion Tea
This is used as a diuretic. Find this product in natural
supermarkets and drugstores. Stay near a rest room!
