
What Is Fashion?

                                                     What Is Fashion?

Here’s what you need to know. Style is not fashion and fashion is not style. You can wear every trend that’s come around the fashion bend in the last cen-tury and never be stylish. Conversely, you can scoff as fashions come and go and still be the doyen of style and good taste.

 Fashion changes by the minute, and we cannot take it too seri-ously. Caring too much is a sure sign of becoming a fashion victim. The majority of stylish women I have come across treat fashion with a degree of irreverence. You should too. Trust me, fashion is not and never has been brain surgery.

                              What Is Style?
              It’s Not Being Afraid to Stand Out!
Women of style are not afraid to take fashion risks.
They are the ones who will take an article of cloth-ing and wear it in a way it was never intended to be worn. For instance, it’s the woman who will wear a classic pantsuit (maybe it’s Armani) and accompany it with a campy T-shirt from her latest vacation. It’s
called “high-low” in the industry.

Style Is Having a Trademark and Being Recognized for It

It could be something as simple as not being seen without that great black jacket. Or maybe it’s that brown suede pant that looks chic and appropriate dressed up or down.

Style Is Not Obeying Silly Fashion Rules

Okay, maybe you just love animal prints. You covet them whether or not they are on the fashion run-ways. You have dug through many thrift shop bins to add to your collection. Wearing these prints make you feel different daring, and alive. Style is having
the good sense not to wear more than one piece at a time. Style is also knowing not to wear these pieces to a job interview or to a funeral. Get my point? That is style.

Style Is Knowing When to Stop

The difference between stylish and tacky is wearing one, maybe two pieces, at a time. The secret to being well dressed is underdressing. This allows you to wear distinctive clothing that makes its own statement.

Style Is Good Fit

Having a good eye for how clothing falls is key to look-ing just right. You need to know where those pants should fall and how that jacket must hang to flatter. It does no good to wear only the top designer names if the fit’s not right. You can’t be married to one size since each designer sizes differently. Try it on!

The Classics

How do you define classic dressing? It is the back-bone of fashion. It is what allows a woman to remain chic through every season of her life. These women, although not devoted to each year’s runway
trend, still look current and absolutely up to date.

Although their interest in fashion is ongoing, they’re not obsessed, and they don’t allow fashion to define who they are or what message they wish to convey.
