
Making Up Is Not Hard to Do!

  Making Up Is Not Hard to Do!



 Everyone has time to make their faces more attractive. Making time is the key to applying any cosmetic. The purpose of a beauty product should be to make the face look more lively, interesting, younger, prettier, or more polished. Making up
your face means looking like you, but even better!

This chapter is all you need to know to maximize your best assets while minimizing any defects. I’ll show you how to do it whether you have 20 minutes or 20 seconds. You do have time to show your best face to the world.

How Much Time Should You Spend on Your Makeup?

15 minutes?
10 minutes?
5 minutes?
2 minutes?
No matter where you’re going, your usual routine
should be no more than 15 minutes. The trick is to change your routine. There is no way that you can apply 15 minutes of cosmetics into a quick 5-minute regimen. You can still look pretty great in just a couple of minutes with my streamlined techniques. There’s just no excuse for looking naked, tired, or “war-painted” anymore.

Apply Makeup to a Clean Face

For best results, always start with a fresh face.
Think of your face as a blank canvas. You are the
artist, and you must start with a clean slate. Your
makeup will go on more smoothly, more evenly,
and last much longer.

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